Healthy Living

Nutrition Response Testing

Nutition response testing ® and nutrition tests are two new to me theories i’ve recently come across while researching other holistic approaches to my family’s health. It’s no secret that I’ve suffered with an autoimmune disease after the birth of my second child and that we also have food allergies in our family. Despite being a nurse i’ve really relied heavily on holistic methods for healing my family. When I discovered the nutrition response testing ® and read that it can help heal everything from chronic disease to acne and rosacea I was instantly curious to learn more and find out how I could apply it to my family’s health and wellness.

What is Nutrition Response Testing ® ?
The simple answer is that it is essentially a muscle reflex test that can tell practitioners exactly what nutrients your body is deficient in based on your body’s response in certain areas. There are specific points on our bodies that correlate with nutrition according to this practice, and therefore it’s easy to pinpoint our deficiencies through this method.

How Can it Help Me?
Once the practitioner has identified your deficiencies they will provide you with exact amounts of vitamins and nutrients you should take to help your body. Unlike going to a drug store and picking up a regular multi-vitamin this method is targeted specifically to each individual. One of the most interesting pieces of information I read about was a study that showed high doses of Vitamin C have shown to help those suffering with asthma. Since asthma is something our family member with food allergies also suffers from I was intrigued to try it out. We decided to use the Nutrobiotic brand of Sodium Ascorbate and have had great results so far. The rest of our family uses it whenever we feel any illness coming on, or have been around others who are sick.

We’ve also been told children with asthma have a magnesium deficiency so we’ve been giving Epsom Salt baths with great results!

How Long Does it Take to Work?
I’ve read that is can take a few months before you start seeing results. I have also learned that your doses of vitamins and supplements can be adjusted throughout the process based on your results to further Nutrition Response Testing.®

Is it Covered By Health Insurance?
Some insurances do offer coverage for holistic medicine, but to find out for sure you will have to get the information directly from your insurance company. Also be sure to look into whether you can use an HSA account for Nutrition Response Testing.®

Along with researching Nutrition Response Testing ® I’ve found many other helpful resources in our quest to heal naturally. I’ve really come to believe it’s about getting back to the basics, our diet plays a huge role in our health. I have found the Medical Medium books to be helpful in learning more about how food plays a role in our health and how we can heal our bodies through diet.

Have you had Nutrition Response Testing ®? Share your experiences in the comments.

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