
3 Tips to Get Better Sleep

tips to get better sleep

As a busy mom of two who also works a full time job I often feel drained at the end (and beginning) of each day.  When my children were infants they were both not great sleepers and we definitely suffered through many sleepless nights.  Those early years helped me to realize just how critical sleep is to my overall health and my mood.  Since then i’ve made getting a good night’s sleep a priority so I can wake up and feel refreshed and ready to take on the busy day ahead.

Since May is Better Sleep Month, supported by the Better Sleep Council I will share 3 tips that have helped me to get a better night’s sleep and hope they help you!


1. Set a Bedtime for Yourself

This sounds easy enough, but if you’re anything like me you find yourself burning the midnight oil to finish the household chores and whatever work you need to get done well into the night after the kids are asleep.  I’ve found that doing this is a guaranteed way to wake up tired the next day.  I’ve been pretty strict about shutting off work by 9pm and then going to bed no later than 10pm.  Setting this schedule has really helped me to get enough sleep during the night.

JUVEA pillow
2. Use a Comfortable Pillow

It wasn’t long ago I was buying the cheapest pillows that could be found in stores, 2 pillows for $10? sold. As i’m getting older and wiser I realize what a mistake this was.  Treating yourself to a nice pillow like Juvea can make all the difference in your quality of sleep.  I’m so addicted to my JUVEA pillow that I take it everywhere with me when we travel.  JUVEA pillows are made from pure, 100% natural Talalay latex which makes them naturally resistant to mold and mites. They are manufactured in the USA.  These long lasting pillows do not flatten over time and maintain a consistent support each night.  I no longer wake up with neck pain!  If you’re constantly tossing and turning each night or waking up in pain the next day please do yourself a favor and invest in a JUVEA pillow.

3. Do Something Relaxing Before Bed

As I mentioned above I used to work until the second I went to bed each night, this always resulted in me having a hard time falling asleep.  I now make it a point to do something relaxing before turning in for the night.  Sometimes this consists of watching a show, reading a book or doing some light pilates and stretching.  I feel like all of these activities give my brain a chance to relax and wind down before falling asleep.

juvea pillow

I hope you’ve found these tips helpful. I’m so excited to be partnering with Juvea to bring you an amazing giveaway for one of their pillows, the shapeable shred with tencil lyocell fiber cover. With the help of JUVEA you can rediscover, everyday, what sleep was always meant to be- natural, effortless and completely restorative. Enter below for your chance to win, good luck!



Compensation was provided by Juvea via Momtrends.  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions of Juvea or Momtrends. 

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